Written Questions
1. Mr B N Herron to ask Mr B S Madikizela, Minister of Transport and Public Works:
(1) With regard to the 11 sites mentioned in the debate on the Premier’s State of the Nation Address, whether the disposal of all these sites were stopped by court order in one court application; if so, (a) what is the court case number, (b) who were the applicants and (c) when did the court make this order;
(2) with regard to the following six sites: Pickwick Street in Salt River, the parking lot in New Market Street, Woodstock Park, Woodstock Hospital, the Fruit and Vegetable site in Roeland Street and Canterbury Road, (a) when did the courts halt the disposal of each of these six sites for affordable housing, (b) what is the court case number of each of these six sites and (c) who were the applicants of each of these six sites?
(1) In response to question one, clarity is required as to which 11 sites are referred to as the details of these sites could not be found in the Hansard of Tuesday, 23 July 2019. A response will be provided once the details on the 11 are made available.
(2) Only one (1) of the sites mentioned, namely Woodstock Hospital, is registered in the name of the Provincial Government Western Cape. The courts have not halted the disposal of the Woodstock Hospital site. The City of Cape Town has indicated its intent to purchase the Woodstock Hospital site for the purposes to redevelop the property into a social housing facility with a component of Communal Residential Units (CRU) and is currently operating under a power of attorney to facilitate its planning process in this regard. The City of Cape Town is also responsible for the security arrangements at the property.